Guys caught jerking off in public toilets
I must admit I spend a lot of time searching jerk off videos from guys caught in public toilets. The usual places where guys take a rest and wank are of course airport bathrooms, gym toilets and other restrooms. I think that these guys are so horny that they need to stop and look for a safe place to jerk off: all these months, I saw men wanking while browsing porn pictures on their iphones or while watching sex movies. But I’ve also seen guys playing with their dicks without any kind of aid.
Are public toilets safe for a quick jackoff?
For me the answer is simple: NO! Public toilets could be very crowded and if a guy spends an unusual amount of time inside a bathroom he could arouse suspicion. That’s why EricDeman always manages to catch guys jerking off in toilets. He is a professional voyeur and he knows how to film on guys wanking. Here are some pictures (or video stills) he took in public male toilets. These three men have been captured on a hidden camera and they got huge erections during their moments of perfect ease.
Horny guy caught jacking off
This guy has been filmed while jackin off while watching a porn clip on his mobile phone. Is it a straight porn video?