Super hot guy caught naked in locker room, and in the shower too
Spying in the guys locker room has never been so hot! Today I’m proud to share with you a spycam video like never before. Apart from the fact this candid clip has been taken using a state of the art spy camera, so its resolution is more than high, the guy caught undressing and getting naked in the gym changing room could seem a porn actor! We’ve watched so many hidden cam footages from guys caught naked in gym locker room here on the Spycamfromguys blog, but I bet you’ll say this guy is one of the hottest ones, correct? Well, this spycam video does not last long, but I’m sure you’ll do like I did: pause on the hottest scenes and loop this amazing video again and again. I think this is the best way to enjoy this hidden cam clip: I believe you agree with me!
Amazing hairy cock from this locker room guy
I don’t know if it was the first thing you noticed from the guy caught naked in the gym locker room. His pube is deliciously hairy! Yes, this guy does not shave his cock nor he trims the pubic hair. Watching him getting naked and revealing his cut hairy cock is an awesome experience!

This guy is ready to take a shower
I could call it “intelligent spying”: this guy has been spied on from the moment he hit the locker room to the moment he moved to the shower room. This is a great way to spy on a gym guy: we can enjoy an amazing view on his body and above all on the way he acts and moves in such a hot context. Just a note about his slippers: I love them! I found’em so sexy! Maybe you’re focusing on his tremendously hot bubble ass… well. I’m detail oriented, okay?

Watch the spycam video from one of the most handsome gym guys
Yeah, it’s time to get to the point! Enjoy this amazing spycam video from (probably) the hottest guy caught naked in the gym locker room. You’ll love to watch this dude stripping naked, getting his towel from the locker and heading to the shower room. I can say he has no intention to show off, but I’m pretty sure this guy perfectly knows that feeling all eyes on him is the ordinary!