Straight guys love to showing it off in public places
Hey guys, do you think that outdoor nudity only means nudism and naturism? You’re totally wrong! I am sometimes surprised too surfing the giant ERICDEMAN video library: I use to find guys getting naked everywhere, in public places where nudism should be prohibited. But you know, straight guys reserve a lot of surprises, so we can find ’em undressing down the street, in a shopping center, in a restaurant and in many other places. And even with their dicks hard lol!
Today I’d like to share with you some weird pics found on ERICDEMAN voyeur library: you better take a visit to download 1000’s of amazing male public nudity pics!
These sexy guys are running naked, with their dicks bouncing… but the other people don’t seem to be shocked by that!
These guys are also naked in the street (and even if the pic is not in HQ I can see they have nice dicks)
And what about these two lads naked in a supermarket? Do you think they are in a naturist village?
Let’s continue with some WNBR boys: these guys love cycling completely naked so they gather to this international event called “World naked bike Riders”. You can find a huge archive regarding this category in the ERICDEMAN video library, click here to find out more
Last picture, and I ask you: “Why is this guy hard at the bus stop?”