Sexy uncut guy at StripSearchHell
Hey guys, do you remember this nice uncut dude? It’s been a couple of weeks since this lad’s incarceration and he’s not handling it at all well. He started dealing as a fast way of making big money without much in the way of hard work. He’s suddenly found himself skint and living 24/7 in crushing discomfort. Older men stare and smirk at him on the landing. He’s in constant fear of unwanted attention. Worst of all are the constant strip searches. Often there is no consideration for privacy and anyone who wants a gander at this boy totally nude need only glance over at his dangling knob and balls as he squats down every morning. The guards make sure the sex cases have cells unlocked in time for the “show”….
I really liked when this guy dropped his pants exposing his uncut dick.