These pictures speak for themselves: I have something fresh (and hot) for you. I’m always in search of new pics from real sportsmen wearing both lycra or spandex sport gear: I believe that they always have something to show and something to hide. I can figure their dicks out while they wear those tight singlets or shorts. As I told you a few weeks ago I’m not into sports, but when I see athletes and sport guys on TV I always focus on their bulges: today I can regale you with 7 shots featuring sportsmen with their visible penis lines on display, enjoy!
When a bulge seems to be a hard on
I have some doubts about these sportsmen: are they horny or they simply got big dicks?
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Okay guys, this is not a sportman on the field, but he shows a very huge cock bulge: do you accept this sweet intruder?
Tell me what kind of sport bulge or VPL do yo prefer to see: soccer players, ruggers, runners or bike riders? Feel free to post your comment below!
VISIT ERICDEMAN for over 500 sets of PICS and VIDEOS featuring HOT SPORT BULGES – All real, all candid!